We have tried alot of different swaddling techniques and tools and our little Houdini manages to get out of each one, some take longer than others though. part of the problem admittedly, is that we are too nice. We feel badly about doing it really tightly even thought we know intellectually that babies like it, even need it.
At first we were using blankets, but every nurse in the hospital showed us a different technique which meant we didn't get very good at any of them. Then we had this Miracle blanket -
Which was great, and we have friends who SWEAR by it, but again, we are softies who had a hard time wrapping him up tightly enough in it.
So we moved on to the Halo Sleepsack swaddle -
which did work for a good long while, until I caught him one night - while sleeping- struggling to get his arms out, and succeeding. We do still use it, and if he is really tired it's great, he doesn't seem to bother working his arms out, but if we velcro it a little too loose, he is out in about 2 minutes.
So now, we are on to this one -
I'm hoping it will hold him until he is rolling over - which actually looks like it will happen soon...whoa.