I've been having fun making all of Nate's food for him since we started solids at 6 months. I make it a fun ritual of going to the farmer's market and picking out his food "together" - obviously a 6 month old doesn't have much say, but it's fun to do it together. Then I prepare it and freeze it in cubes.
But next month we are moving to Chicago, and driving there. We are planning to make a vacation out of it and take a week or so to make the drive. We won't be able to carry the food I've prepared with us, (or the frozen breast milk, sad) so I wondered what we would do for him. He isn't at the stage yet where he eats bits of what we eat, it's still purees, and single ingredient ones at that. Plus, I'm totally crazy about it all being organic so I can't assume we will be able to find the right things on the road.
I was checking out a baby food site I found recently, and there was a post about
NurtureMe baby food,
It's dried organic baby food, stored in paper pouches (no plastic, so no BPA worries). You prepare it the way you would baby cereal - mix in breast milk, formula, or water or cow's milk for older kids. Each pouch makes the equivalent to a jar. That means no heavy jars, that means I wouldn't have to allot precious car space to a week's worth of baby food. So many positives, I have to try it. I've never seen it in person or tried it, but it sounds amazing and I'm definitely going to try it out. You can order it from their site, or it looks like it's available in all the usual stores as well (Babies R' Us, Diapers.com, Amazon, etc).
If you've used it, please let me know what you thought (or what your baby thought).