This may not be very PC to admit, but when we found out we were having a boy, I could not help thinking about the cute little dresses I wouldn't be buying. But, turns out, boys clothes are adorable as well. How can they not be when they are so small anyway?!? Scroll below for a couple of my new favorites.
The Gap Corp Give and Get sale starts today and goes through Sunday, so if have a Gap, Banana Republic or Old Navy card, you can use it to get the discount on adorable things like this 2-in-1 bodysuit -
How cute is that??? With the fake 2 layers...I love it!
And they have little oxford shirts for babies too, they come as small as 6 months -
Can you imagine that on a tiny little guy??? I LOVE it!
If you have a new baby, you might want to use the discount on a few things that fit YOU for right now, since odds are you aren't totally back into all your pre-pregnancy clothes. And if you are expecting, use the discount on maternity clothes. That's what I will be doing...I was not prepared for this heatwave we are experiencing and in desperate need of tank tops, I'll probably get a few things for the Fall as well (leggings, hoodie...)
Happy Shopping!